Principal Message
Principal's Message
Dear Visitor,
I am most honoured to be a member of the KAMM family.I look forward to working with children as we support them to become independent life-long learners who are anchored in sound moral values, and are creative and enthusiastic in facing future life challenges.
I would like to emphasise family values such as filial piety and respect for parents and elders. On the same note, I want to work in my full capability to foster the KAMM family. Our children spend a large part of their time in school, and KAMM is also their family. As we build this extended family with parents and their child/children, I feel that we need to emphasize on Commitment, Care & Concern, Communication, Courtesy and Collaboration which will help our students to perform best in their life.
Our staff in the KAMM family are committed to providing the best learning experience for all our students so as to bring out the best in our children. We care deeply about our students and believe that our students learn about respect when they see us practising common courtesy and show concern to all those around us. As the saying goes, it takes a village to raise a child – we will continue to work in partnership with all of our parents and students to make KAMM a caring, safe and rich learning environment where our students have the time and space to learn, dream, explore, experiment and grow.
Please feel free to approach and speak to your child/children’s teachers, give us your suggestions and feedback on how we can make the school experience even more enjoyable and enriching for your children.
I would like to thank all the staff members for their hard work and dedication in growing the school for the past years.
I also look forward to meeting you in person and working with you to grow our children along with I always welcome feedback.
You can always contact to our school at
L.P. Srivastava
KAMM Scholars School

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